Membership and Organization
The SSC is currently comprised of 10 member agencies, represented by Principal Members. The Principal Members have Executive Group and Subcommittee Members below them which represent the working level of the committee. The co-chairs of the committee are flag officers in the Coast Guard and the Navy, respectively. The administration of the SSC is handled by an Executive Director who works at US Coast Guard headquarters, and an administrative assistant.
Organizational Chart
Organizational Chart 2025
Strategic Goals
To identify gaps in structural knowledge, and to develop a research and development plan to bridge the gaps.
To address today's ship structural performance and safety assessment issues.
To be recognized as a credible resource for ship safety experts.
To advocate and search out cost share opportunities and partnerships, where possible  and practicable, to complete the projects recommended by the Committee.
Guiding Principles
The Committee shall ensure good stewardship of Committee funds and resources.
The Committee shall support projects to improve Safety of Life at Sea and to protect the Marine Environment through enhancing the performance of ship structures.
The Committee shall support projects developed and submitted by the member agencies, liaison members and other industry supporters.
The Committee shall ensure research results and new technology are provided in a useable form to the customer base.